Dear All, As honorary chairman and founder of NatHealth, I would like to extend my warmest greetings to all concerned in improving the quality of healthcare being offered to our growing population. Today Nathealth is celebrating more than 26 years of hard work and achievements.
Invitation for the ordinary general assembly meeting on the 26th of April for Nathealth
CEO Mr. Ahmad Tijani’s interview with Al-Bayan Magazine’
جانب من مشاركة شركة نات هيلث كراعي ذهبي في مؤتمر العقبة الدولي
Introducing E-Health Gate System
NatHealth tablet
NatHealth participated in GAIF
NatHealth being a founding member of Int@j
The ageing of the population
Operation Smile
Participated in Outsourcing Conference
NatHealth participated in Outsourcing Conference
NatHealth signed an MOU